Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New Baby: Stuff

This summer we do not have any weddings to attend. Instead, this year is all about (other people) having babies! July and August will be filled with tiny new people! As a result, I have been promising this post for a while- to share our top 10 baby items and a few lessons learned. As I wrote about here, baby registries are tricky!

What made our life easier:

1. Monkey Bouncer: Really light and easy to move around the house.
I forget she used to be this tiny.
2. Kick Piano: I was standing in the baby aisle at Target (BK: before kids) looking for a shower gift when a woman offered her unsolicited advice, "I have three little ones, whoever you're shopping for NEEDS THIS! It saved me!" And I have to say, that woman was right.
This nap is no joke. 
3. Swing: This is where Emaline took all of her naps when she was little (aside from the few times she kicked herself to sleep at her piano). We kept it in the family room so she could be part of the action.

4.Lamby: It is something I would never have thought of on my own. It was a gift when Emaline was maybe a month old and it changed our lives for the better.
5. Nail clipper: So minor yet so important. I would even go so far as to say, pack it for the hospital.

6.Bucket seat and attachable stroller frame: I loved this set. It was so easy, I could put it all together with one hand and often had to. 

7. Bottle warmer: We held out on getting one and when we finally did, we realized how silly it was to not have it. Huge time saver. We used this and my friends liked this

8. Enormous diaper bag: So many people said to me that the diaper bag could not be big enough. And now I agree. I liked that mine wasn't an obvious diaper bag but I would go bigger next time. Skip Hop has some really great options.

9. Swaddle: This kind in fleece or cotton. Sure, yes, learn to swaddle using a regular blanket but then save your exhausted self by using cheat swaddles. 
10 .Hands free pumping bra: If you plan to pump, you need this

And one thing I'd change: We didn't have a Boppy and I wish we did. I got My Breast Friend but because Emaline was not able to breast feed, I never used it. A boppy would have been way more versatile.

DO NOT: register for clothes or blankets! I promise you will get them anyway.
DO: register for lots and lots of wipes and butt cream (tubs, not tubes) and a changing mat. I know these things aren't glamorous but there will come a day when you are grateful for your stockpile. And your baby will not outgrow!

*All of the links take you to the product on Amazon.com because I think their registry is the best.

**This is not a sponsored post. This is just what worked for our family. And I'd love to make this process a little easier for the next person. Every baby is different and you will learn fast and know better than anybody in the world, what works for you and your baby! Good luck!

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