Tuesday, September 15, 2015

This: This

"I must learn to love the fool in me--the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries. It alone protects me against that utterly self-controlled, masterful tyrant whom I also harbor and who would rob me of human aliveness, humility, and dignity but for my fool."

-- Theodore Isaac Rubin

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Summer List: Recent Favorites

Emaline's favorite book of the summer.

As I mentioned, the summer has been full. When time begins to not feel like my own, it is important to find a little balance. The easiest outlet has always been to read or write. Recently, a friend of mine was on maternity leave and mentioned what a lifesaver podcasts had been for her. The next day another friend who was transitioning from grad school to work, made a similar comment. And so I started paying more attention. And I have discovered a few that I love. Long drives, mowing the lawn, Emaline's nap time. I am hooked.

And sometimes at the end of the day, all I want to do is turn on a movie. We have been watching Peep Show but sometimes I want something with a little more weight. I have found a number of incredible documentaries on Netflix.

I have been asked to send along a list, so here it is. My absolute favorites right now are:

A Tale For The Time Being by Ruth Ozeki

Ted Radio Hour
Slow Your Home
Magic Lessons
The Tim Ferriss Show
And as always, This American Life 

On the Way to School
180 Degrees South
Austin to Boston
20 Feet From Stardom
Bill Cunningham New York

Please share your favorites in the comments section of this post!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Summer: Full House

This shall be known as the summer of hosting!

I typically feel guilt when this much time passes without showing my blog some love but this summer was full (hard to believe it's almost a year since this) and the time that I did have to write, I gave to my novel.

The house is quiet for the moment and we have fallen back into a rhythm. But as I notice the date, it seems to signify the end of summer. So I pause to take stock of my favorite season.

As a family we managed one trip to Minnesota, three trips to Cape Cod, numerous beach days, countless hours of yard work, and five (soon to be six) sets of visitors!

We have had house guests nearly nonstop since the beginning of July. As a result, everything has existed around providing a welcoming home and making the most of time together.

I am so grateful to have friends and family that are willing to take time to travel and stay with us. As I have written before, it is powerful when somebody you love is able to step into your everyday and sample your life.

It is looking at life through another lens. And it affords the opportunity to to be a tourist in my own town. It is an excuse to not waste the summer-  the best restaurants and beaches and outdoor concerts and harbor cruises and painting classes and barbecues. It allows a fall back into comfortable friendships and builds new memories.

The beds have been cleared yet again. The laundry and dishes put away. The house- reset. 

Now I write it down. 

But the heat lingers and we likely have a few more days of salt and sand before the season sneaks away. So I embrace each day and try to remember everything that we did.