Surround Yourself with Your Dream Team.
My cousin Jen said to me one time. I always think about that. It is the best friendship advice that I know. It is so simple and so true.
The last weekend in February, I was in San Francisco hanging out with my best friend. We don't live in the same place. We haven't for five years and as much as I wish (daily) for us to be neighbors, the distance yields adventure.

We have been to eleven different states together (not including Australia or New Zealand) and I would not trade those trips for anything in the world.
She picked me up at the airport and we drove around the city so excited that it was hard to finish a sentence.
San Francisco is so beautiful and surreal
and I was trying to let it settle in
that I was really there.
I wanted to stretch out each moment.
A part of me wanted to stay forever.

Our friendship is what friendship is supposed to be. We don’t live in the same place, we can’t talk everyday, but when we connect, we don’t skip a beat.
She reminds me who I am. No matter what is going on, when I tell her, she has this amazing way of making everything feel like that is exactly how it is supposed to be. It is comforting, it is reassuring, and it adds an element of excitement to everything we do.
I know I am guilty of talking about her. A lot. To everyone. The thing is, we have a lot of really great stories. She was there the day I met the love of my life. She talked me into bungee jumping. She saved my life when we were lost on a glacier…. How do you NOT talk about that?
When we were in Napa she bought a bottle of wine that can age for up to thirty years. She bought it because she had an image in her head of us (significant others included) on vacation together years from now.
I love that.
I love it because with us,
it will actually happen.
We dream it up and then we make it come to life.
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