Thursday, May 26, 2011

This Day: Too Many Updates.

It has been an eventful few weeks. I wish I was writing more, but that is a constant truth.

I am going to try to get it all out for my own sanity but I might get lost in the details so just bear with me.

Do you want good news or bad news first? I always think it's better to get the bad first so you can end with the good.

Do you remember the minor car accident that I told you about? Well... The shop fixed my car, good as new: new bumper, new paint, new shock absorber. When it was all fixed up, they offered to tow the car to a closer location... See where this is going?

They were almost to the shop when the tow truck was rear ended. We were told in the first phone call that there was "significant damage to just the corolla". Long story short, my car has an estimated three pages and $6,000 worth of damages. I do not even want it back at this point. That just does not seem safe. Luckily Nick and his Dad are helping me sort through this mess. More to come.

Now for some good news: Nick and I found a house!! (Hold on friends and family, we are not buying. It is a rental.) It is a one family home in South Minneapolis and it is oh so cute. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a fireplace, french windows, and a fenced in yard for the boys. It is not falling apart. It does not have 19-year-old potheads on the other side of the walls. And it is adorable! We are thrilled! We move in July 6th. Woo!!

Right now is such a weird time. We are getting close to the wedding, summer is almost here, and the weather has been insane! There were tornadoes in Minneapolis this past weekend. My friend Nikki has a tree through her house! Tornadoes scare me so much. I may have cleared a path in my basement and scouted the best spots for hiding, just in case.

Yesterday was May 25th, the Oprah finale. The last show was so wonderful. I need to get a recording of it. She just talked honestly and lovingly to her audience. She shared her wisdom, her thoughts, and her hopes for her viewers. My friend Tara and I sat together on my couch, clutched glasses of champagne, and tried to carefully absorb every word. I want to watch over and over.

I held it together until the last segment. I knew it would be emotional, but I was surprised by how I felt. It was like saying goodbye to a friend who is moving far away. I know that show so well. I have known that show my whole life. But in the summer of 2005, when i moved to Minneapolis, the show became something more.

When I got here, I did not have friends, I did not have a job. I was starting a new chapter in my life and I needed reassurance, I needed something comfortable. Everyday I would make lists: Go to the gym, vacuum, go to the library, apply for five jobs.

But everyday at 4:00pm I was allowed to stop being active and I would sit on the couch and watch Oprah.

This blog has even seem my Oprah references and calls for support. I always tell Nick: Despite any obvious differences between Oprah and myself, I have no trouble imagining her and I as good friends. I love to think of her and I sitting down with a bottle of wine and just chatting about life. I feel like we have been doing this for years, it has just been more of a one-sided conversation. :)

There is one other situation i want to share with you, but taking a queue from my seasoned-blogger-friend, Leah, I will wait to share the details. The main point is last night, I had an awful scare that something happened to Nick and although everything turned out to be just fine, I feel different today. When Nick and I were finally able to communicate last night, he was trying to rationally describe his ordeal to me but my need to continuously tell him how much I love him, made it hard for him to say much.

Sorry to end to this confusing, long post with something so summarized and possibly cheesy but the mug I grabbed out of the work cabinet says, "There is nothing worth more than this day" and that is how I feel right now.

Hug your loved ones and I'll be back soon to write things that actually make sense.

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